It's time to right the wrongs!
Federal Policies
Standing for the voice of the people and not a party is more than just a slogan. It means holding town hall meetings and getting direct feedback from constituents about what is working well, what is not working well and what needs to be changed. With this direct feedback I can fight for what is important to the electorate of Chisholm and not just institute pre-ordained party policy. This would start the process of government for the people and by the people.
- The current practice of protecting high profile offenders including politicians and judges because of their positional power or status is wrong. Every individual must be accountable for his or her actions regardless of status. This is a particularly heinous situation where the crime relates to children and/or crimes of a violent or sexual nature.
- In the interests of equity and fairness biological women should be competing against only biological women in sport. Biological men have a physiological advantage over biological women in strength and muscle mass and therefore an unfair advantage in competing.
- Protecting freedom of health such that individuals have the right to choose to when, where and to whom they disclose their personal medical details or health status. Refusal to disclose health status or medical details is not justification for discrimination in any form. Additionally, individuals have the right to refuse medical treatment including testing without fear of recrimination.
- Media in all forms whether print, visual or auditory must be accountable for the accuracy of the information they report. It is their responsibility to undertake due diligence in order to be able to be relied upon as a source of truth.
- Promotion of Australia’s sovereign interests in all foreign and domestic affairs, agreements and exchanges in order to maintain a fair and balanced exchange of terms of trade.
- Withdrawal from and cessation of participation in all international groups, treaties, covenants and agreements with nations and international organisations that do not respect Australia’s right to act in it’s own national interest.
- The removal of the right of any foreign power or corporation to tender, lease or buy any industrial, agricultural or infrastructure asset that is determined to be in the national interest such as water, energy, transportation and communication assets.
- Introduce the requirement to produce photo identification in order to cast a vote and require states to report deaths to the electoral commission in order to maintain a more accurate reflection of voters.
- Clean the food supply by removing GMO products, Minimise and if possible, eliminate chemical additives from the water supply, remove any extant installations of 5G and cease its introduction in all areas.
- The protection and maintenance of Australia’s unique flora, fauna and archaeological sites as part of Australia’s heritage and national identity.
- Effect a true reconciliation with Australia’s first nation’s people including ongoing consultation and involvement with the governance of Australia.
- The establishment and maintenance of a national defence force capable of independently defending Australia and her interests through the application of full spectrum warfare synchronised with diplomatic and economic measures.
- Building a self-reliant Australia means reducing our dependence on other countries for processing our minerals and supplying the majority of our manufacturing needs. It involves the restoration of energy, food and transportation security and independence. It includes the promotions and development of industries where new markets are developed, rural amenities are increased and industries are decentralised.
Authorised by Dominique Murphy, 17D Chester Street, Oakleigh, Victoria 3166